Friday, January 17, 2014

Acupressurist: No Needles Required

There exist many medical methods to relieve tension, knots and improve circulation by manipulating the muscles. A masseuse focuses on using different methods of massage to relieve the client of tension and other pains that can be healed with a massage. Their main focus involve the back, the neck, arms and legs. An acupressurist uses pressure to pinpoint certain areas of tension in any part of the body, without using needles like acupuncturists do. While they have certain differences, there are more similarities between all three professions, the main goal being to relieve and improve a client or patient's circulation.

This blog, however, focuses on acupressurists and how they help in the world of medicine. Becoming an acupressurist is quite simple, but a profound patience and passion for helping people is required. While in school, college and/or high school, it is important to take an anatomy class to study how the body works and most importantly, how the nervous system works hand in hand with the muscular system. After receiving at least an A.S., you can enroll into a massage school and become a certified acupressurist.
The hardest thing about being an acupressurist is finding a job that will not only train you, but pay you at the same time. Internships are pretty abundant (it is free work, after all) but actual jobs may be hard to come by unless you have great networking skills. However, if you were to find a job, the median pay for acupressurists stands at about $81,830 a year and at around $39.94/hour nationally. manner in which acupressurists do their services is that they apply a certain amount of pressure and kneading on a certain point in the body where the patient or client feels pain. The more developed the muscles are, the more pressure you should apply. The technique used for acupressure is using your middle fingers, the longest and strongest finger of the fingers, and putting pressure on a specific point to relieve pain. If when relieving pain in one point the pain moves to another spot, pressure should also be applied there because the two areas could be related (especially if it's a muscle like the trapezius).   

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